连续碳纤维3D打印机Combot 200具备双料打印系统-公司动态-非凡士

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连续碳纤维3D打印机Combot 200具备双料打印系统


以连续碳纤维增强热塑性聚合物基高性能复合材料零件直接3D打印为目标,采用连续纤与然塑任聚合物为原材料,利用复合浸渍-炫融沉积的3D打印工艺实现复合材料制备与杂结复合材料零件成形的一体化制造。与现有主要的复材制造技术,如热压罐成型技不。传送模塑(RTM)成型技术、缠绕成型技术、自动铺放技术相比,复合材料3D打印工艺的主要优势在于成本低、周期短,能实现复杂结构复合材料构件的快速制造。 High performance continuous fiber reinforced composites can be directly fabricated through 3D printing technology. Different continuous fibers and thermoplastic polymers are used as raw materials and simultaneously fed into printing nozzle of 3D printing process realizing the integrated preparation and forming of composites. Compared with conventional processes, such as vacuum forming, filament winding, pultrusion, bladder-assisted molding, compression process, the developed novel 3D printing process not only have a lower cost and a shorter production cycle but also can fabricate more complex components.

2023年7月10日非凡士发布一款全新的连续碳纤维3D打印机升级型号,桌面型连续纤维增强复合材料3D打印机(COMBOT-200型)主要用于打印 “一笔画”结构特征复合材料零件,设备成本低,料种类不受限,工艺参数可调,设备软硬件开源性强,允许用户进行二次开发,特别适用于研究所、高校等科研单位进行技术开 与探索。 A desktop 3D printer for continuous fiber reinforced composites (COMBOT-200) is mainly used for composite parts with "one troke" structural features. It has advantages of low cost of equipment, unlimited material types, changeable process parameters and pen source of software and hardware, allowing users to secondary development. It is very suitable for some research institutes and niversities to carry out technical development and exploration.





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